Thursday, 21 February 2013

Theme Nights at The Nyumba Ndimu AKA Food, food and more food!

The guests arrive!

So Megan LOVES to cook and while she was here blessed me with several yummy meals.  And I'm totally spoiled now and don't want to cook for myself because it just won't be as good!  Miss you Meg!

Here Kate and Susan are checking out all the amenities the house provides....backyard, quiet, etc....working the deal...

Chilling the in backyard

Megan also loved cooking for lots of people and we have a couple of food 'theme' nights.  The first night was Mexican Night and we had Susan, Kate and Emily from Mlango Moja here as well as Sarah from just up the road here in Isamilo.  

Only picture I have of Emily...with our laundry.  doh!

Little did Susan and Kate know this was a ploy to get them to love the house so they would want to move in here...muhahahahahaha!  I love it when a plan comes together!

The chickens a la Megan cooking away
Megan cooked chicken in some sort of orange juice marinade, chimichurri sauce, homemade tortillas, some incredible melted cheese dish (I wish I could remember the name) and salsa. OH! And Megan attempted homemade tortilla corn chips - while not a complete success, they were a valiant first try and something to be tried again.  They still tasted amazing! Kate brought a yummy rice dish and Sarah brought guacamole (why have I never eaten this wonderful concoction before! - YUM!).  


Sarah and Kate in the candlelight....with our feast

It was a FEAST!  And we got to eat by candle light since the power went out just as we served dinner.  Super romantic!

To complete the Mexican theme, margaritas were served with sugared rim of course!  Once the lime juice ran out, we used the juice we made fresh that morning - mango, pineapple, passionfruit - awesome!

Fast friends and soon to be roomies! Missing from the photo is Tito, Sarah's wee dog.  

The next theme night was Italian.  Megan made, with assistance from moi, the sous chef, eggplant parmesan, chicken/bacon/veggie pasta sauce, salad (oh, how I miss salad!) and cheese bread.  Emily brought a vanilla bundt cake flecked with chocolate shavings!  I'm ashamed to say we didn't even cut into it - we just started eating it with our hands it was SO GOOD. 

Me after one and a half glasses of Kate's deliciously
deadly sangria and a couple of Shan-tinis!  
 I was also bartender for the evening and since we had some left over Cointreau from the margaritas, I tried to come up with something that use that.  Cosmos!  Also, no cranberry juice to be found!  So we got Red Grape and hoped for the best - and the Shan-tini was created!The fresh produce is amazing and easy to get every day.  The fresh produce is amazing and easy to get every day.  

A farewell to Megan!

For Megan's last night in town, we had a evening IN and ordered PIZZA!  I must say, it wasn't like home but better than I expected!  We ordered a couple more than necessary (oops!), but 
we had leftovers for a couple days which was nice. 

Kate again made her awesome sangria (Konyagi is involved too!) and she improved upon Emily's cake - by ICING IT!  I didn't think it was possible to make it better!  Sooooo yummy!!!!

The piece de resistence!
All in all eating here has been totally amazing.  I'm definitely missing some convenience things like a microwave....and a can opener!  I've not attempted the knife and hammer trick yet!   I also miss cereal, it is VERY expensive here, and I refuse to pay it.  I've eaten more peanut butter in the last few weeks than I have in years!  
There is definitely a lack of processed foods here and the fresh produce is available everyday all just need to pick the right stall to get the best stuff!  

And as this sign says:
It's all Hand Suckin' Good!

Until next time, Heri! (Cheers!)


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